This game is awesome in an epic scale...
I mean it...
Its one of the best toss games EVAR!
08/17/2009 NEVAR FORGET
This game is awesome in an epic scale...
I mean it...
Its one of the best toss games EVAR!
08/17/2009 NEVAR FORGET
Some bugs happend, like stop moving after disarm and traped inside walls, but with a lil more work this can be a great game.
PS: Looks like Mirror's Edge... lol.
Well... what?
I don't get it...
Everyone says it's "So hard" and "nearly impossible"...
But come on! Its a great game... really!
I beat it, it was challenging (but not at the point of clenching my fists or tears in my eyes) and it was preety fun!
In the end you can even have multiple choises of playng the game again!
Of course the medals are hard to get but if they were easy they weren't to be called medals.
So don't be a pussy newgrounds and try to play this game without giving up and creating a bad review...
Well, this is even hell much more easy than Kaizo Mario... (if you even know what Kaizo Mario is).
This series rock since the realease of the first game...
Keep in coming...
Great Game!
And it's not so hard if you use your head, because i finished the game...
One of the best i have played.
Hint: To defeat the boss, use the door.
Nice work, nice idea...
This game has some easy codes...
i just typed castle... and i went straight to the last level...
here are some codes i found:
lake - lvl 1
sewer - lvl 2
shop - lvl 3
castle - last level
godmario - God Mode
getalife - infinite lives
duckhunt - infinite ammo
credits - see credits
great game anyways, i hope there will be a sequel
|Deus Ex Machina|
Age 30, Male
EBI Castelo Branco's City
Joined on 2/12/09